How does Integrated Facilities Management make things easier for you?

Recent facilities management trends are headlined by Integrated Facilities Management. It’s touted among reputed management experts such as McKinsey & Company as a 21st century solution that makes facilities management easier for businesses.

These points of analysis, dating as far back as three years ago, are almost prophetic in nature, considering how facilities management strategies have become integral to survival and growth in the industrial landscape created in the wake of COVID-19. And IFM is at the forefront of that buzz.

But what exactly makes it so great? It’s only natural that you would be interested in learning more about whether switching to IFM can really unburden you or not, so here’s what you need to know.

IFM puts everything in clearer view.

When you’re relying on multiple facilities management providers on top of your own efforts, you have to pay attention to so many different workflows and processes. You have to make sure that each of them is yielding the results you need, and that they can be sustained for as long as you need them. You also have to worry about how aligned they all are so that there is consistency in the quality of services and the overall experience it creates for occupants of your facilities, which is very challenging when you’re using more than one provider.

With Integrated Facilities Management, you’ll clearly see the impact of every decision you make. Because it’s under one contract with one provider, you’re empowered to make changes that are as narrow or as sweeping as you want.

You’ll also never have to worry about difficulties with overseeing the results and continuity of services. With only one point of contact who can consolidate information from different workflows and processes, you have a bird’s eye view of everything that’s happening and concerns that need to be addressed.

This new vantage point empowers you to take more deliberate action.

Altogether, these strengths of Integrated Facilities Management enable you to take a step back from being too involved in your facilities management, and reallocate more attention to your core goals and objectives.

This is to your advantage, because your business cannot afford to choose one while neglecting the other. Despite not being part of your core business, processes and workflows under your facilities management are still part of your overall operation and will surely impact the customer experience you provide for your clients. IFM is the right combination of effective and adaptable that you need in this scenario – it not only takes care of your facilities management side for you, it can also be tailored to match the wavelength at which your core business operates.

Thus, it becomes nearly impossible to distinguish that you’re using a third party service. To your clients, the experience will be the same no matter which component of your business they’re interacting or transacting with.

With IFM overseeing your facilities management processes while you’re sharply focused on your essential processes, and with both sides forming a seamless whole, you can ensure a holistic operational approach that accomplishes all your goals and fulfills all your clients’ needs at every level.

Sustaining this new approach and customer experience opens up new doors for growth.

A holistic operational approach built with the help of Integrated Facilities Management creates a customer journey for your clientele that turns them into your most loyal advocates. You are able to maintain quality services, position your branding appropriately, and nurture your client relationships, all of which complete a customer experience that your clients would be happy to keep relying on and even recommend to their industry contacts.

Thus, organic growth becomes possible and is brought within easier reach for you in the form of expansion with your existing clients and new business with their referrals. In this context, IFM is your partner in avoiding the struggle of aggressively marketing your brand, giving you the option of letting your customers spread the word instead.

And at the end of the proverbial day, IFM is there to keep managing everything at the periphery in sync with your core business, as you prepare to do it all over again.

Integrated Facilities Management makes a ton of things easier for you, from the micromanagement level, all the way to the big picture of your business. And it integrates seamlessly into your business cycle, enabling you to replicate your best outcomes at each stage of your growth.

See this impact for yourself – make the transition to IFM today!

Photo element by aleksandarlittlewolf via