A high-impact employee is someone who constantly puts forth their best effort, demonstrating exceptional qualities and upholding strong personal values in the workplace. Organizations are fortunate to have dedicated employees who strive for self-growth and continuous development while contributing to the company’s success. In this article, we’ll explore the rare qualities that define a high-impact employee.

And don’t worry—being a high-impact employee doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. It just means you’ll be the one people call when the printer stops working… even if your job has nothing to do with printers. 

Curious to know if you have what it takes? Or want to become one? Keep reading to find out!

1. They take initiative and get things done without being asked.

When their job responsibilities are at stake, they feel a sense of urgency and initiative, acting immediately to address what needs to be fixed at work without needing to be approached or reminded. This kind of employee treats their job more than a set of tasks, doing more than what they’ve been asked for. They don’t wait for someone else to step in; instead, they jump at a chance to do it, proving that they are willing to go above and take advantage of opportunities that will bring positive change and success to the organization.

2. They avoid drama and prioritize finding solutions.

Drama? Nobody has time for that.

No one wants to be involved in drama that might tarnish their reputation, especially with someone who values their time and energy. Instead, they invest their time in tasks rather than getting into conflicts or gossiping with colleagues. When their energy is directed toward work, they are more focused and can resolve issues the team often misses out on.

3. They address issues head-on instead of complaining.

Pointing out problems is easy, but giving solutions is not. Most often, employees who encounter an issue tend to complain and quickly pass the task on to someone else.

Well, a high-impact employee is not like that! Employees who would rather solve problems than complain are a type of employee that an organization shouldn’t let go. Employees who are problem solvers don’t point fingers or dwell on the past when issues arise. Instead, they would analyze the situation first and then focus on finding a practical solution to improve outcomes and achieve organizational success.

4. They recognize their limitations and swiftly fill the gaps.

Employees who may not be the most experienced and skilled but throw themselves out there and try a task assigned to them are considered high-impact employees. When an employee tries a new, unfamiliar task, it shows determination and passion for learning. Thanks to their deep curiosity and dedication to learning about the subject, they actively seek ways to understand the job quickly and be ahead of everything.

5. They focus on doing, not just talking.

Words are easy; action is not. In the workplace, words don’t prove anything, but actions do. Many employees are “sweet talkers,” but not all can back up their words with actions. Words are only used to present themselves in a favorable light or manipulate the situation. However, what employees do reveals their true intentions and character more than what they say because actions require effort and consistency.

Consistency in action forms trust in the organization, showing that you can be relied on and are the easiest to work with. You’ll know an employee is reliable when they exceed the expected output of their work.

6. They listen with genuine empathy and understanding.

Listening intently with sympathy is easy, but genuinely imagining someone else’s situation—especially when you haven’t experienced what they’re going through—is much more complicated.

Empathy shows how one understands others in challenging situations. It’s not just showing how much one cares for others but putting oneself in the other person’s situation. Listening with empathy improves connection as it forms effective communication and positive outcomes. Employees with this quality can understand others’ motives and work better with them by connecting more authentically. With that, they’ll appreciate the team’s needs, experiences, and potential. 

Demonstrating these traits benefits the organization and reflects one’s character—showcasing accountability, passion, and a willingness to learn. Cultivating these qualities fosters both ethical and professional growth, allowing individuals to focus their energy on what truly matters in achieving their primary goals and advancing their careers.  

At SFI, we assure our employees that they will grow in their careers as we thrive in the industry. Want to join our team? Follow our Facebook page to explore our job vacancies, and send your resume to sourcing@serviciofilipino.com. And, of course, stay tuned next week to learn more about the traits of a high-impact employee! 

This article was inspired by Justin Wright’s “12 Rare Traits of a High-Impact Employee,” published on LinkedIn on March 9, 2025. [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jwmba_12-rare-traits-that-separate-high-performers-activity-7303763985256927232-0vDC/