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Integrated facilities management is your key to business continuity. Here’s why.
These characteristics of integrated facilities management show why it’s the approach that will help your business survive and thrive in the New Normal.
Reclaiming a safe workspace in the New Normal: sooner, or later?
As an eventual reality for workplaces everywhere, returning to work will require weeks if not months of planning ahead – and plans must account for what’s best for everyone involved.
On the Way to Beating COVID-19: Should We Be Relaxing?
We have to consider: is this the point where we just let our guard down and do everything we want like we used to, or do we need to endure reduced freedom for just a little while more?
Keep making space for workplace COVID-19 safety and mental health
Public spaces are unfortunately becoming crowded again because of relaxed quarantines and alert levels, despite the historical tendency of infection spikes happening because of such activity. And while it’s difficult to control what people do privately on their personal time, businesses can still make an effort to protect those at the workplace.
Healthy in mind and body: the synergy of COVID-19 safety and mental health in the workplace
As physical and mental stressors, the effects, issues, and concerns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are more personal and hit most deeply out of any preoccupations that workers can have.